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experiences pre-wicca

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1experiences pre-wicca Empty experiences pre-wicca Sun Sep 25, 2011 1:39 pm



Before you found the path of Wicca where were you headed and what brought you to the path you are on now?

I was raised Catholic but it never quite suited me. It wasnt until I was much older and in a very rough spot (if I go into details the story will get extremely long but if would like to hear it I can add it on later) and lost with out any faith in anything (my way of thinking that if the catholic God was so good and all powerfull why did he let the good suffer so much) I was sitting in a restaraunt and over heard a group of Wiccans talking... well the rest is history but if it wasnt for them I would not be where I am today. On my true path were I know, no matter how rough it can get, I am where I am meant to be.


2experiences pre-wicca Empty Re: experiences pre-wicca Sun Oct 16, 2011 3:19 am


Thanks for starting this topic! I really find it interesting to hear other peoples experiences!
It would be nice to see other posts though.

So I was raised Old Apostolic. It is a rather strict sect of Christianity. We went to church every day. It also had a bit of black magic in it. (But just don’t tell them that) I was quite the sheep. But luckily I started to ask questions that they could not answer. I then was lucky enough to be exposed to an eastern religion. And there I found some answers, but it was still lacking something. I felt detached from the Godhead.

Luckily I have the most amazing Sister-in-law. She contacted me telling me that a friend of hers who happens to be a medium told her that I need help. LOL! And at that point I desperately needed help. My life was falling apart. I was a angry, bitter person…

What really got me interested was that my sister-in-law never once tried to convince (convert) me that Wicca is the best path. I asked questions and she answered every single one. So I started researching and looking around on the internet. And one day I went home and told my Husband that this is the path I want to follow… And the most amazing thing happened. He said to me, “I was waiting for you” How about that hey?
And ever since then I could not be happier! And to think this all happened a few months ago!

And I can now say that I am truely Home. I have only hope and good feelings about the future.

So that’s my story! (seems like I was very Lucky Smile )

Gaia-sunstone wrote:
(if I go into details the story will get extremely long but if would like to hear it I can add it on later)

I would really Like to hear your long story!

3experiences pre-wicca Empty Re: experiences pre-wicca Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:34 am



I'll give you the condensed version... Don't offer any pity please.. it's long over and I've come to terms quite nicely Smile

age 6-8 - molested by uncle

age 10- lived in ahouse with no electricity or running water because my father spent all his money on alchol

age 12- living in my 5th new place because my father keeps going through sadistic crazy women

sge 13 - father goes into rages all the time can;t take it any more so I move in with my mother

age 13 - step father crack my head open and beats me with anything available

age -14 mother leaves step father but is soon addicted to crack

age 14 - homeless living in a car for 4 months

age 14 - moves back in with my father who has 19 year old girlfriend who gets me high and gives me tequila... I gave my father an ultimatum her or me and he packed my bags and sent me back to my mother

age 14 - finally have a place to live but my mother moves in with her bf and leaves me to take care of my brother and sister with no money in an apartment filled with roaches friends mothers constantly buying food and things we need for us. I drop out of school to be the care giver

age 16 finally found my grandmother again as we lost contact thanks to my parent (she was the only thing solid in my life) I call cps and my brother and sister are taken away. My grandmother sends me money for ticket to live with her and my other uncle whom I adore

age 16- I have job and GED and even started college nursing program then grandmother is diagnosed with cancer

drop out of school to pull in more hours at work to take care of my grandmother

grandma has to be put in an assisted licving home to be cared for so I move to Phoenix with bf to find better job to help pay for it

age 17 grandma gives up on chemo and lets herself go.. she dies

age 18 -my first black eye from bf followed by several hospital trips, staples in my head, a missing tooth, a broken arm then a forced pregnancy

age 19 my son was born 2 months premature and in very bad condition but we get through it

age 20 babies dad throws me to the floor and kicks me with baby in arms so I finally work up the courage to leave him

then not long after while I'm so down I don't think I can ever get back up again and would rather die than be stuck in my life anymore I'm at a restaraunt feeding my son and in come the group of wiccas....

wow even the condensed version is pretty long but there you have it. Life was rough but I can honestly say that its all in the past and thats where its going to stay.

I have a relationship with both my mother and my father.. my mother cleaned up but my father hasnt.

I never see my ex
and life is good now Smile

It might seem wierd that I have no problem posting this for anyone to read but like I said I have come to terms with it and everything I had to endure in my life made me that much stronger and brought me to where I am today which is a good place and I don't see the need to hide the ugly bits
the years in between that are unaccounted for were actually quite nice.. we lived on a ranch in the beginning and there were many happy times too it's just in my case the bad tended to out weigh the good for the most part


4experiences pre-wicca Empty Re: experiences pre-wicca Tue Oct 18, 2011 1:09 pm



What a life lesson you got. Strength comes from many different sources and not always the expected ones.

My story is not as ... drama filled... but I'll share it anyways.

My family was never a religious family. I to this day do not even know if my mother believes in God or A God or not. I have never asked, and most likely never will. I know my father does, as does my maternal Grandmother, but to my recollection, we have never attended a church, gone to a service, or anything of the like. So in one way I guess I was lucky there not to have been forced into practicing something I did not feel was for me.

I cannot remember when I knew that the traditional God worship religions were not for me...seems like I just always knew. As a kid in elementary school, my best friend was very Christian, it was the one thing she identified with that defined her. Her church was a non-denominational Christian church that I attended often on sleepover weekends at her house. I would sit in the youth group room listening to what was said thinking I should feel like this is right... yet knowing that it was all wrong. This God was not MY God, and he would never be MY God. It was something similar to trying to fit a hexagon into a circular hole lol. I wasn't even on the same wavelength for that church to feel right to me. Didn't stop her or her family from trying to convert and 'save' me... I have been 'saved' so many times by clergy people that I should live a good long time Very Happy.

High School, my third and permanent circle of friends. This time much more accepting, and non-judgmental. I am still close with two of them to this day...some 20 years later. For 3 years at lunch we would have theological discussions that would sound to outsiders like vicious arguments, but was just us having fun. I considered myself to be an atheist then, one was raised mormon, one was generic christian, and the fourth was undecided (like me, but he didn't discount the existence of God like I did).

One of these close friends later on after we had graduated, made a comment to me somewhat out of the blue during a conversation about how I had never not had happy people around me. The comment was something like 'Well you've always drawn that too you, its not something you have to think about, it just happens. People automatically gravitate to you not just because you want them too, but because it is in your nature to do so.' I am paraphrasing slightly, but it stopped me and really made me start to think about things...

I was also working full time managing an equine boarding facility after school and on weekends, so I had a lot of solitary thinking time. While the concept that 'I could do or be ... whatever I am...' did not really occur to me then, I started to realize that I had an affinity for horses... more so than just the normal 'i like horses, i clean their stalls, they are pretty...typical horse crazed girl stuff'.

My journey exploring this side of me brought me to a barn that rehabbed 'problem horses'. My job with them was to re-teach the horses ground manners, so by the time the 'trainers' started working with them, THEY didn't get hurt. Yea, I thought that was a lil backwards as well... but it gave me an opportunity that I had never dreamed I'd ever get. Going one on one with horses of every background, type, personality, etc, in a round pen setting where I am given nearly free rein to work with them in whichever manner I choose, as long as it is not abusive or cruel. Which I would never practice anyways. It gave me the insight and skills to walk up to any horse, and within an session or two, have that animal completely trust me - WITHOUT gimmicks, training tricks, equipment, or running the horse around the pen. Just me, the horse, and energy. It was powerful, and the energy work I learned with that opened up my eyes to what I really could do.

It was that job, and experimenting with sending out energy to the horses and actually seeing them recieve and respond to it that started to lead me on my current path. The job ended badly (too much negative energy from the trainers and their clients... like attracts like...) and I left to go back to the 'normal working world', always wondering what could have been had I stayed and continued with what I was doing.

During my adult life I'd get flashes of things, odd feelings, dreams would come true, things I made up would actually happen...etc. It wasn't often, but often enough.

Then...about 6 or 7 years ago, I was seperated from my husband, living on my own for the first time as an adult, and lonely. I found an adult dating site that had a chatroom limited to the local area, and started talking to a bunch of different people. I met the man that was to be my next LTR in that room, but I also met another man that ended up being more importaint, and more influential in my life than the other person I ended up falling in love with.

My relationship was toxic from the very beginning... but I was unable to see or understand that for a very long time. "B" was everything I thought I wanted, but that was only on the surface. It wasn't until just the last few weeks that I have come to realize that he, by the very nature of his being, and not through any conscious descision or awareness on his part, is an energy vampire. He was also a closet addict and our first year together was spent battling that. We won the fight to have only a few months of bliss together before his biggest war started... his disintegrating spine. After nearly 5 more years of doctors, pain pill addictions, quack treatments, depression, not to mention the daily pain and misery, I couldn't handle the negativity anymore. He was sucking everything I had and I couldn't give him what he needed anymore - emotionally, mentally, spiritually, etc.

I tried unsuccessfully during most of our relationship to start a path of my own. I had the desire to learn, the will to follow through, but naught the energy to do so. I had figured out that I had the ability to occasionally manipulate energy to do what I wanted it to (I.E. the horses) but without that environment I couldn't manage to do it again.

August of this year, I left "B" for good. I moved in with family, and aside from a mourning period for the loss of my constant companion/best friend for the last 6 years, I have felt better than I have in years. My energy is now my own, finally, and is not being used to feed someone else anymore against my subconscious will.

Now, "K" ... how to explain "K". He's the whole reason I'm here. He's my best friend, lover, moral compass, teacher, and...occasional partner in crime. He is married to a wonderful, beautiful soul who allows him (and herself, really) the ability to love outside of the hard and fast boundaries of what marriage has become today. its a good thing she likes me too lmao. He also happens to be a Druid Mage, and had been waiting for me to 'show myself' to him for most of his life - but when I did, unexpectedly in that chat room 6 years ago - I scared him badly enough that he ran from me emotionally and I unknowingly chose "B" instead of him - but that's not really the story to tell here. I was meant for "K" in this lifetime, but our separate choices have made it impossible for that to happen so we simply agreed to sweep it under the rug, and go on with our lives the way they are now - him with his wife that he's madly in love with, and me on my search for...I don't know yet.

He revealed to me early on that he was a Mage...though at the time I really did not know what that meant. I am not sure I do now, though I have a greater concept of what he believes - not as much as what he does. He is a walking ancient soul...he's been reincarnated so many times he's lost count, and yes he does remember most, if not all of his past lives. Every woman he's been with in this life (yes I mean THAT way) he has known before, myself and his current wife included. According to him, this is not the first time we've 'found' each other, and won't be the last... There isn't a day that goes by that we aren't talking constantly by text or IM lol.... its bad enough that his wife calls me 'his girlfriend' without the emotions that go with that label.

Anyways, he was a constant soothing presence for me over the duration of my doomed LTR with "B", and was the happiest one for me when I got out. He has been the one to open my eyes to a lot of things ... and finally revealed to me recently a lot of things I was not aware of but not oblivious too. He is the one that showed me that I was NOT crazy all these long years, that what I felt and knew to be true was not just 'in my head'...and is encouraging me now to take this path.

He'd always tease me about myself...telling me just enough stuff that he shouldn't have known to drive me nuts, then not explain why or how he knew it. When I left "B", we became more than friends, and that broke open the wall he'd been staying behind, and I've learned more about who he is, who I am, and what I'm supposed to do with this life than I ever dreamed of. Because he had been waiting for me to come to this realization for so long (and says I'm barely there at that), now that I'm mentally aware of it, he's is strongly encouraging for me to embrace that which is Witch in me.

No... encouraging isn't the right word. I was basically told that I needed to do this for myself, cause he is tired of having to block the raw energy I am constantly feeding him without realizing it. lol! And that it was time I learned how to control the way I make people - men especially - react to me. scratch Tho.. how I'm supposed to do that is currently beyond me.

So I guess the point to this long tale is that I am don't have a 'pre-wicca' ... I am 'pre-wicca' right now. I'm clueless on where to start, what to do, what I need to learn, etc.

But I'm sure I'll figure it out! Wink

5experiences pre-wicca Empty Path Chosen Fri Oct 28, 2011 8:13 pm


I've been searching for most of my adult life for a spiritual goal. Having explored many different avenues I've been lead here: which I believe has been the goal of the whole journey. This feels right and comfortable. It feels like home. Since childhood, I have referred to the creator as Mother Earth.
I want to learn how to channel this energy I have. I've labelled it many things over the years...intuition, psychic period, sensitive etc... I am a healer first and foremost. I am learning more and more each day. So nice to have other people to share with and learn from.

Blessed be

Happy Smile

6experiences pre-wicca Empty wasapnin Tue Nov 01, 2011 2:03 am

scorpius imperator

scorpius imperator

hey farae/lover its "k" rofl shame on yu fer labeling me Razz lol

7experiences pre-wicca Empty well crud buckets Wed Nov 02, 2011 10:54 am

scorpius imperator

scorpius imperator

okay so as far as the druids living to be in harmony with nature i am in line with that way of thinking. however after getting into more of the meat of info i found online(wonderful rescources btw) i am no longer certain where I really fit in because I labeled myself a druid mage. a mage according to what i have read from multiple sources works with magic in conjuntion with nature. I know i move energy and feel and visualize on many levels but now I have no idea what to call myself because to some people my touch is a healing one and to others i am a confort to be around but I do not use magic and i do not know spells in ritualistic or potion form.

so it comes to me now a question or a couple questions.

#1 what am I exactly ?
#2 does anyone have a label for me ?
#3 how much further do I research to find out more ?
#4 do i simply become content that i have certain properties and no longer label myself but simply exist ?

This is definitly going to be a lengthy meditative process to figure out. I am actually quite irritated at myself for labeling myself and not truly knowing what I am. I dont know that i can call myself druid now and I know i cannot call myself a mage let alone both since I do not work with magic. I will not call ability to move energy a form of magic. i call it moving with and harmonizing with nature.

well i definitly have a major new journey ahead of me. at least farae introduced me to you all.

8experiences pre-wicca Empty hmmmm Sat Nov 12, 2011 4:26 am

scorpius imperator

scorpius imperator

considering i keep projecting very poignant sexual energy and thoughts to a certain female I think im going to label myself a "primal oooze facilitator" lol

9experiences pre-wicca Empty Re: experiences pre-wicca Sun Nov 13, 2011 4:11 am

Jerry Hubbard

Jerry Hubbard

Wow... you guys are all tough acts to follow... LOL... but here goes...

I would be, had my life continued the direction I was being pushed into, the fifth generation of Fire and Brimstone, Southern Pentacostal Preachers... yep, I am a preacher's son... and just like every youth, at least that I know of, I looked for ways to rebel. Having said that, I was terrified of my father, and would never have openly defied him, just as we were taught to "Cower before God and repent, for we are not worthy of the sacrifice Jesus made, and we should be sent to Hell with the Devil and all his minions... for we are evil incarnate."

So, I looked for ways that I could rebel, and not openly challenge this overly oppressive situation, and found that school work was something my parents were not interested in looking at, as long as I brought home acceptable letter grades... which I did. I wrote a termpaper when I was 16, about Satanism... this was the furthest thing I could find from what I was being taught, and we were all brainwashed into believing that all witches were devil worshippers who constantly looked for ways to further Lucifer's agenda... what I found, was less dramatic, and almost disappointing.

To keep this short, I started off the "Christian Path" there, and wound through many religions, many forms of spirituality, and major drug use. I am still plagued by many things I did in my past, though I've been clean from Cocaine since 1993, sober for just over two years, and now I've even quit smoking a little over a year ago. Before you congradulate me on my success, know that if I had not done these things, I would not be alive to write this.

It's the last five years or so that have been the most interesting. I've found a path through Wicca, through the Faerie Realms, that makes more sense to me than anything I could possibly imagine, and answers so many questions I could not escape through drug use, etc. That's my story in a nut shell...
or as Austin Powers would say... oh my... what am I doing inside this nut shell... LMAO... thank you for taking the time to read this.

Jerry Hubbard
Fae Master Warlock


10experiences pre-wicca Empty Re: experiences pre-wicca Sun Nov 13, 2011 10:13 am



It really says a lot about Paganism when you see the many different life stories and how it seems a lot of us found our path because of our need for comfort and peace. Not that there is anything bad about Christianity but I find that it is way more likely to find a practicing Pagan to "practice what they preach".

Who can resist the energy and beauty that comes hand in hand with being so close to the divine? In other religions of course there are those that feel close to the divine, but myself? When I am in ritual or just simply enjoying the day, I feel the Goddess with me. In everything I do I know she is with me. There is no guessing game. Is She listening? Will my prayer be answered? In short, YES! I know with every fiber of my being that the Goddess protects me and brings joy and love into my life.. How many others can say this?

In Paganism we make it a point to "stop and smell the roses" We see beauty in even the harshest of circumstances. In conclusion I really feel that if people in this world could just open their hearts even a fraction more and incorporate even the smallest detail of Paganism be it harm none or getting closer to nature this world could finally start to evolve into what it was meant to be and stories like ours wouldn't be something we hear about everyday we turn the news on or go shopping.


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